Sunday 22 September 2013

Newcastle 18th & 19th September

No coffees in bed this morning. We were up early and ready for the trip to Newcastle. Peter checked the weather forecast, which remained the same as the night before, at WNW winds, 10 to 15 kn. Sounded good! The day started well and we flew along with the sails full and Port Stephens disappeared quickly. Then the winds began to build.... and build..... At least we had a fuel free day! Peter says he loved it, was exciting in fact! I prefer things to be a little quieter and I am now putting in an order for Lazy Jacks. Folding the main off Newcastle in the strong winds, bouncing around on deck, dodging both ingoing and outward bound ships was a bit too exciting for me. Eventually we motored into the strong wind coming directly out of the harbour and finally into Throsby Basin and the Newcastle Marina.

Here comes another one!

We had already decided to spend two nights in the marina as we felt like pampering ourselves a bit. The facilities here are excellent. Two nights became three as the weather didn't improve. Newcastle turned out to be worth visiting and we were glad to have the extra time there. From the marina a path leads around the harbour and into the centre, past apartments, shops, cafes etc., and on out to the Nobbys Head breakwater, where we found some interesting concrete sculptured pictures. More ships came and went.

Another walk worth doing was through the city and over the hill to the surf beaches on the southern side of the harbour entrance. The beach was lined with surfers cars with surf music, boards and all the surfing paraphernalia and we spent some time watching them catching the waves curling and breaking over the reef. This area reminded me of some of the beaches in southern England - very scenic.

 Leading up to the weekend huge yachts began arriving at the marina. Eventually Peter asked what was happening and found out that there was a regatta at Port Stephens which they were participating in. Peter and I ogled these beautiful yachts, Hanse 41, 49, various Moodys and others. Rene sitting in her berth at the end of the pontoon looked like a dinghy in comparison. I bet they had not done the Bight tho'. We were not sure about calling in at Newcastle, but are very glad we did.

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