Friday 21 June 2013

Apollo Bay to Oberon Bay, Wilsons Promontory 15th & 16th June

We made all the usual preparations to leave, put everything away where it will not fly around if things get rough, tarp over the bed to stop it getting wet (there is a small leek there), pay the Harbour Master for our stay etc, etc. I asked Peter to go and look at the entrance to see if it was calmer. It sounded like it was. He came back and assured me it was OK, so off we went.  It looked rather lumpy as we approached, but not breaking, at least not then. We had just cleared the rock wall when I happened to look back and see a wave break across most of the entry. 'That was lucky,' I said, actually with a bit more panic than that and possibly a few choice words thrown in. Peter must have had a really good look! I guess we were lucky, but Mr Ocean just wanted to let us know that he was still in charge and watch out! It wasn't dangerous so much as we would probably have got pretty wet.

The passage across to Wilson's Promontory was lumpy and ESE winds from 0 to 18 knots the whole way made it hard to do anything below. The overnight passage was hard to take. Like all one nighters you don't get into a routine and no-one wants to go outside at 2.00am when it's freezing cold. It seemed to take an age to finally get close to the Prom, but once there we found that the western side was beautifully calm. Oberon Bay looked like paradise, albeit a rather wet and cold one, so we went in and anchored for the night. We couldn't face going around the corner in the 18-20kn winds just then. What a lovely bay, very mountainous, rugged bush and long sandy beaches. We had a wonderful, peaceful night in Oberon Bay.

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