Thursday 13 June 2013

Apollo Bay 12th June 38" 45' S 143" 41' E

We're back! It is s-o-o-o cold! Out with the warm gear again! Rene was sitting next to the wharf where we left her, the only difference being a few more bird poos on the deck. Thank you to all the Port Fairy people who have kept an eye on her, especially John, Joy, Doug and Kev.
After taking a look at the weather forecast we decided that it would be a good idea to make a start for Refuge Cove on Wilson's Promontory tomorrow, with the idea that Apollo Bay would be a useful stop over if the weather deteriorated. We walked up to the IGA and stocked up on stores and generally made Rene ready for departure on Tuesday.

Before we left in the morning we phoned Joy and John to say goodbye and thank them for giving us such a good time here. They came down, had morning tea and saw us off. Joy brought a present of a small bucket of Melting Moments for us to munch on for the next few days. They are delicious! Yo- yos is probably a better name for them as the only thing that is melting here at the moment is the ice-bergs. John gave us an MP3 device with several books on it listen to when we are underway. Thank you Joy and John and we wish you fair winds and happy sailing in SE Asia when you go back in July.

We set off at 11.30am with very little wind and plenty of light cloud. We motor sailed the 83 nm to Apollo Bay. A decision was made to call in there for a few days as when we checked the weather at 1am we noticed that there was going to be a strong easterly (we're going there!) Wednesday and copious quantities of rain on Thursday. So here we are, after motoring around very slowly until dawn gave us enough light to tackle the entrance safely. Contacted the harbour master and were allocated a pen at $22 per day and will stay here for the next couple of days until the weather improves. There is a fish and chip shop next to the marina and I'm thinking this should be a good place to indulge. I have just noticed that the wind is beginning to whistle in the rigging!

Bass Straight in winter! We must be mad! We thought that when we bought a DVD that some bloke produced about the anchorages around Bass Straight. He went in winter and our reaction was, 'He must be mad.' Well here we are and very glad that we have not hurried too much as even in winter it is a beautiful place to be.

Apollo Bay Marina and entrance.
Sculpture outside the fish and chip shop, Apollo Bay Marina.
Apollo Bay
Goodbye Great Australian Bight, Hello Bass Strait   13th June
Now I can say it. The Great Australian Bight treated us well - no unpleasant surprises. In fact, we found some very lovely and interesting places and friendly people. When we eventually sail back we hope to travel more slowly and do the places we missed.
This is our marina entrance today. I'm very glad we came in yesterday. Photos never really do justice to the real thing and at the moment this is no place to be.  We spent this morning reading and sleeping in as the rain and wind battered our warm little cocoon. Peter estimated it to be 35+ knots.  By mid morning we were able to make a dash to the shower and afterwards met up with Brian, the Harbour Master. An hour or so was spent in his office checking out anchorages on or around Wilsons Promontory and beyond. Local knowledge is advantageous when sailing in unfamiliar waters. Also he had the warmest office and it was dreadful outside.

Another wave rolls past the entrance.

Here I am cooking up a storm in the galley while outside the real thing rages.

OMG! Thank goodness that sign was there! I nearly walked off the edge!
Really this has to be one of our 'Nanny States' top ten efforts at sign pollution.  

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