Friday 25 October 2013

Mr & Mrs Seagull Episode 2 19th October

Peter said, 'I think the Seagulls have a chick'. Off we went in Lily to see the new baby. Of course the whole seagull population in Toronto Bay went into attack mode as we approached, screeching wildly and trying to put us off getting too close. There was one spotted, fluffy little chick and one egg in the nest. The baby desperately tried to disguise itself as a rope, but kept one beady eye on us the whole time.  After taking a few photos we decided to leave them alone to settle down to normality once again.

We really do not want this to happen on our boat so we have since gone to great pains to make Rene as unattractive as possible to the various birds that think that yachts on moorings are fair game for perches or nests.

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